Barren follows the journey of an astronaut stranded on a desolate planet, unknowingly trapped in an endless time loop. Each day, he awakens to the same bleak landscape, haunted by fragments of her past and memories that seem both familiar and distorted. Desperate to escape, she spends each cycle exploring, searching for any sign of life or a way out. But with every loop, subtle changes in her surroundings and her fading memories make her question her own sanity.
As the loops progress, she begins to uncover fragments of a hidden truth about her mission, the planet, and herself. Ultimately, she must confront whether escape is even possible—or if she’s destined to relive this barren existence forever.
The planet’s surface is unstable, with rocks that combust unpredictably, creating constant hazards. Alone and isolated, the astronaut must navigate this treacherous terrain, searching for resources and shelter while evading sudden explosions that could end his life at any moment.
Wormhole loop:
This vibrant wormhole looks vivacious but this loop keeps pulling the astronaut back to the forbidden planet.
Inspired by classic films like The Martian and Interstellar, we set out to create our own fully 3D animated astronaut film.
Cinema 4D was my go-to for character rigging and animation, making it the perfect choice for this project. Using Redshift added a slightly photorealistic look to bring this sci-fi astronaut’s world to life, blending fun with a rewarding creative challenge.
3D Design | Concept | Direction:
Ian Miller
R&D | Producer:
Evilise Quijano
Rad soundz
Cinema 4D
Redshift Render
After Effects
Ian Mills Miller
Creative Director | 3D | VFX-CGI
[email protected]
Evi Quijano
Producer | R&D
[email protected]
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